Kumadori One Piece. Kumadori One Piece AlphaBetaOmega Dynamics. The majority of the characters are human but the cast also includes dwarfs giants mermen.

Please subscribe to my You Tube account. Once tried to commit seppuku after dishonoring himself but was prevented by his Iron Body powers. To add on to that Wano is not affiliated with the WG so it would be weird to have one of their people working for.
A spy working for Cipher Pol No.
1 Penampilan 2 Karakteristik 3 Kemampuan dan Kekuatan 4 Riwayat 5 Lain-Lain 51 Pertarungan Kumadori 6 Situs Navigasi Ia dikenali oleh badannya yang besar Rambut surai kemerah-mudaan yang besar dan Mata Kanannya yang tampaknya jarang terbuka. Desperate to get his muse back Kumadori asks Spandam for help. Wan Pīsu is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. Revering the samurai code of honor he often makes comical attempts at taking his own life each time he dishonors himself.